What is McNuthin?
I used to have a website called www.deathtotheinfidels.com. This was clearly in the pre-9/11 era. It was actually taken down for a few days after the WTC/Pentagon attacks until the government realized it was just a bunch of wedding photos and silly movies.
In the Web 2.0 era, I used many of the various ‘free’ social media and microblog sites. Ever since the election of 2016 (OK a bit before that…), social media has become a trash pit. The internet has always been a lowest common denominator of craven human desires. I didn’t think it could get worse. I was, as per usual, very naive about this. Once big business/politics got hold of it, well…you’ve heard the complaints and hindsight analysis, so I’ll spare that hot air today. Long story short, almost all the sites started censoring my work, or I was constantly reported by Trump trolls for my ‘counter-trolling’. I almost always won my appeals — as Facebook is all based on user reporting, but my penalties never reset!
Also, I need to host my content. I’m basically giving them free content and helping them make money (not a lot, but some) based on behavior I find terrible.
So, here’s McNuthin.com. I have a lot of nuthin to say.